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The basic principles of Vijnana Yoga with Thirza

€ 75,00
02 oktober 2024 11:00 - 16:00 UUR
The basic principles of...
€ 75,00
02 oktober 2024 11:00 - 16:00 UUR
Thirza ...
les wordt gegeven doorThirza van de Hoeff
02 oktober 2024 11:00 - 16:00 UUR
€ 75,00

The basic principles of Vijnana Yoga
with Thirza

A style of yoga that´s less known and relates to the old way of practicing yoga is Vijnana Yoga. It has it´s roots in Israel. The founder of this form is Orit Sen Gupta. A yogini and scientist who has studied the old (Sanskrit) yoga texts for over 14 years and translated the texts back to the yoga practice.

Jnana means 'knowledge'
Vijnana means 'knowledge from within'.

Vijnana is an active (yang) style of yoga, in which we use our breath to align the spine in every posture we practice. In our practice we work with the vayus. Vayu means wind and Vayu is also the hindu God of the Wind. By using the vayus we are able to connect more with our subtle body. And - from our subtle body - move through our practice. Practicing the asanas with precision, softness and centredness, together with the vayus, will help you to turn inward.

Within the vijnana yoga we work with 7 principles:

  • Relaxing the body;

  • Calming the mind;

  • Intention;

  • Rooting;

  • Connecting;

  • Breathing;

  • Lengthening, expanding.

In working with those principles we do not only balance the body, but - even more - we balance the mind. The journey is to eventually be capable of using all 7 principles at the same time.

In this workshop you´ll build a steady foundation for your yoga practice. We´ll work with the principles, the feet, hands, pelvis… to lift your yoga practice to a new level.

What to expect?

  • Meditation;

  • Kryas;

  • Vayus;

  • Pranayama;

  • Asanas;

  • Study of text.

Date: Wednesday 2 October, 2024
Time: 11.00 - 16.00 hr
Place: De Nieuwe Yogaschool, Amsterdam
Price: 75,00
